If You Can't See An Audio Player (Instead you See An Empty Box or Small Icon Below The Text and to the left of the 'DOWNLOAD' Button)

1. If you don't see an audio player with a play button and a timeline, you might need to update the Flash settings on your computer, and/or download the latest version of Flash. Click here for more detailed instructions on how to do this:


If You Can See An Audio Player But Nothing Happens When You Press Play

1. The channelings are fairly long (30min-1hour) in length. It will take a few seconds before they are able to begin playing and up to 20 seconds before the timecode numbers start counting). Also, it will take up to 3-5minutes for the entire file to load in, so if you want to skip ahead to a point later in the channeling, you will need to wait until it loads up to that point and a little beyond.

2. If the player still doesn't play. Refresh your browser.

3. If the player still doesn't play, you might need to update the Flash settings on your computer, and/or download the latest version of Flash. Click here for more detailed instructions on how to do this:


4. Failing all of the above, we highly encourage you to click 'DOWNLOAD' and pay the nominal fee of $5 to download the mp3 to your computer. We assure you that this will work ok, as it has nothing to do with the Flash player, and as you have purchased it, you will be entitled to any more free support you require. And finally, the free streaming player is really just a courtesy and we hope that if you want to listen to the entire channeling, you will pay for the download.


Thank you for your patience. We know how frustrating it can be working with computers sometimes.