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This is the list of lectures from the first half of 2008...


January 20, 2008 Divine Plan for Earth and the Divinity of Humanity -

Gabriel explores the divine blueprint and its purpose for the Earth's evolution, revealed as an experiment never before attempted. Its purpose, which is ultimately to bring about the realization and revelation of the Mind of God into evolutionary experience.

January 27, 2008 - Tools to Reveal, Transmute and Transform your Internal Myth

Gabriel reveals specific processes that reveal how to come to terms with your preconditioned internal myths, programmed in the initial stages of childhood. That myth causes ongoing repitions of your programmed patterns and conditioned responses. In other words, it keeps you as a slave to your behavior patterns of survival, defense and separation. This needs to be addressed, so that you can move into a life of meaning, value ad purpose instead!

February 3, 2008 - The Three Bodies, which inform the Soul Experience

Gabriel shows us how sound, color and vibration inform atomic structure, which directs the process of soul integration. Learning how to deal directly with these tools is necessary to become a White Magician, or conscious creator for the highest good of the Divine Plan. This also involves learning how to walk the "razor's edge," the middle road of balance, truth and integrity.

February 10, 2008 - The Process of Transmutation from Physical Separation into Soul "At-one-ment"

Gabriel examines the process of transmutation, taking the old aspects of your being and transmuting them into healthy archetypes that serve your life as a soul being. He explores this through the consciousness of the 7 chakras, the 7 planetary initiations, the 7 Gateways of the heart and the 7 Rays of Consciousness.

March 23, 2008 - The Seven Initiations and the Seven Levels of Childhood Development

Gabriel reveals how the seven initiations of Christ/Soul Consciousness, demonstrated in the life of the master teacher, Jesus Christ, mirror the Seven levels of development that take place for each one of us, from childhood into adulthood. Find out what was intended in those early stages of your life, so that you can begin to fill in the gaps and heal the wounds that occurred instead.

March 30, 2008 - The Seven Levels of Initiation and the Seven Rays of Consciousness

Gabriel reveals the influence of the 7 Rays and the 7 Archetypes of the Soul, and how they reveal tremendous clues in healing our personal lives and prepares us to move with more awareness through the 7 initiations of the soul or self-mastery!

April 20, 2008 - The Monthly Weather Report

Gabriel discourses on the effects of being in the middle of the 9-year cycle of healing duality from 2004 to 2012... and the fact that we are in the exact middle of the void in this middle 4 months of 2008. He shares many things we may begin to experience at this time as we move into higher realms and powerful forces of consciousness.

April 27, 2008 - Possibilities within the Photon Belt

Gabriel discusses the possibilities available to us as the higher energies of the photon belt travel deeper into our solar system and how much more important it is now to become consciously aware of how we are directing the powers of manifestation through the repetitious patterns of our thoughts, feelings and actions. We can't really afford to approach life unconsciously any more, allowing life to "act upon us," rather than us acting consciously upon life.

May 18, 2008 - World Management Team Update

Gabriel traces the steps of fear conditioning and the control agenda of a World Management Team, as he calls it, has has been putting in place for a very long time. Their goal has been to bring about mass mind control to create a New World Order - one government, one world economic system and one world military state.

As things in the world begin to reflect all of the archetypes that we each hold inside, the World Management Team represents the ego defense, whose only agenda is control. Gabriel states how important it is for us to have awareness and not succumb to the deliberate deception and fear being perpetrated. It's time to heal the fear within ourselves, take back our power and stand in a deeper truth.

May 25, 2008 - Soul Conciousness

Gabriel reveals the process as we shift from an outer source of reality-based consciousness to an inner source, as well as the effects on our reference of Self as that transmutation takes place. As we surrender to this healing process of evolution, we will go through a period of feeling lost, where what has had meaning in our lives does not touch us in the same ways, as we prepare to access our Soul Self and shift from a "me" reference to a "we" focus in all that we experience.

June 1, 2008 ...Directing form through Collective Consciousness

Gabriel explains the various elements of collective consciousness and how they create and maintain the survival the elemental exsperience of our present survival reality of conflict and duality.

June 15, 2008 Governing Rays of this Age

Gabriel reveals how the 7th and 2nd rays that are the main evolutionary influences of the consciousness and experience of this 200 year cycle operate and their function that develops the Soul bridge between the Divine plan and the progressive evolution of physical form experience.

June 29, 2008 Moving from Cause and Effect to Resonant Causation

Gabriel helps us to understand the monumental physical preparation of form life to enable its conscious creative capacity to be fully realized in multidimensional awareness and capability. This involves building the bridge of transmutation from the force of friction operating through cause /effect to the radiatory force of resonant causation for conscious direction of the creative force of love for instantaneous manifestation.


To order, simply click here or on the Donate button in the left menu on this page. You can then put $15. for an individual lecture.

Make sure you include your email, as well as the date/title details about which lecture you are ordering. We will then send you a link to the lecture, so that you can listen from your computer, or download it to be able to listen from your Ipod or other MP3 player.

Also, if you already know that you enjoy the lectures or discover after buying a couple that you would like to be a regular listener, you can also decide to Donate $100. to Children of Light and get 6 months of these informative lectures -
(a value of over $300.)



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